FAQ (8)

My devices are only called 'cast-web-device'

This is a communication issue between the cast-web-api and your SmartThings Hub. Should you not see the current version, start it or check the install guide again. Should you not see the current version, there is a network issue. Make sure that there's no firewall on the…

By vervallsweg

Automation ideas

Cast-web basically sets up your Google Cast devices as selectable speakers for any audio output in SmartThins. Every other SmartThings Smartapp that works with SmartThings speakers can now use your Google Cast devices. Apps include many community Smartapps like BigTalker2 and even official SmartThings apps like SpeakerNotifyWithSound…

By vervallsweg

What can I play through presets?

Only DRM free content. Probably not what you want your fancy internet connected speaker to play. Everything you can get a direct file link to. It needs to be without a login, hosted on the internet or your local network. This excludes most streaming services…

By vervallsweg